Don’t Forget to Look Up

Nwadiogo Quartey
2 min readJul 22, 2019
Not My Escalator, But It’s Close

Confidence is preached as a means to achievement, but I never made the connection to how lack of confidence, the inability to walk with my head high, was stifling my creativity. I didn’t realize I had stopped looking up.

As I gripped the side of an incredibly long escalator, I challenged myself to look up. I saw the synchronized paths of the handrails, the brightness of the lights and even a moth that seemed to have lost its way. I focused on the wobble of the stairs and the bumps in the handrail’s rubber and lived in that brief moment. There is so much beauty in the everyday.

I saw video ideas, lighting inspiration, and photography all in that moment.

What if I looked up for a minute more, for an hour, or even daily? How much more would inspire me to create? How much could I serve you through my unique view to add to the worlds’ conversations. My input;

“Hey, I’m here today. I’m present…”

So I stopped in the middle of the Metro station to write this down. To take it all in before I looked down again. Back to the foggy routine of the work commute, the dishes that I left in the sink to my mother’s chagrin, and to be distracted by the endless scrolling of “what if’s.”

With practice. I’ll be more confident.

